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Press Coverage This Week in Kinshasa - Press Coverage in Kin: Arrests, Arrests, Suspensions

2/29/2020, 10:06:08 AM

Headlines in Kin: arrests, arrests, suspensions

Audio 03:00

Kamanda wa Kamanda Muzembe. Thomas Nicolon

By: Kamanda Wa Kamanda


Arrests, arrests, suspensions ... Cases of justice abound in the newspapers.

Military intelligence: General Delphin Kahimbi unbolted! It is the headline in the daily Le Potentiel. For this newspaper, the Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi is cleaning up military intelligence. Suspended at first, Delphin Kahimbi has just been replaced by the general ex-FAZ Madiangu who assumes the interim, explains Le Potentiel. And this daily specifies that the Head of the Studies and Analysis Department, General Mandiangu has been in military intelligence for 30 years.

The tri-weekly AfricaNews, which confirms " cleaning up in military intelligence ", talks about the suspension of Delphin Kahimbi. And recalls that the general had been prohibited from leaving the country on February 20, because suspected, understands AfricaNews, of having wanted to go to South Africa in order to acquire listening equipment. According to sources in the Presidency of the Republic, the newspaper continues, " Delphin Kahimbi was interviewed at the National Security Council. Under sanction of the European Union, this officer would be implicated in serious human rights violations, according to this same newspaper.

In its weekend edition, the daily Le Phare returns to the Sauts-de-mouton affair and announces that the DG of the Roads Office is in the nets of justice. Herman Mutima Sakrini has been under arrest since Thursday, February 27, said the daily, which cited sources from the public prosecutor's office at the Kinshasa / Gombe Court of Appeal. Referring to judicial sources, the daily reveals that " the list of entrepreneurs and public officials involved in the misappropriation of funding for the rehabilitation and modernization of basic infrastructure (...) will continue to grow (...) The suspects have several million dollars to justify, "concludes the newspaper Le Phare .

Forum des As , this other daily is formal about the Mutima Sakrini case. He was placed in preventive detention after being heard by a judge, writes this newspaper which supports the approach of the power in place in Kinshasa: These arrests and arrests do not target certain political figures. The government has " laid the foundation for the rule of law where all citizens are equal before the law and submit to it in the same way, " said the newspaper Forum des As .

In La Tempête des Tropiques , finally, always in the area of ​​the fight against corruption and impunity. Sanctions are requested against the businessman Dan Gertler and his accomplices, reports this newspaper which specifies that The request is formulated by NGOs members of the platform " The Congo is not for sale ". The Platform, writes La Tempête des Tropiques, also requires an independent audit of state entities having concluded contracts with this billionaire suspected of having built his fortune in DR Congo through opaque mining and oil transactions .

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