Teller Report

Coronavirus: two caregivers from a Paris hospital tested positive

2/29/2020, 10:24:14 AM

These two caregivers tested positive & quot; were hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, a benchmark health facility & quot;, said the AP-HP on Saturday morning. & Nbsp; Their condition & quot; ne has no severity criteria & quot;. & nbsp;

These two caregivers tested positive "were hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, a benchmark healthcare establishment," AP-HP said on Saturday morning. Their condition "does not present any severity criteria".

Two members of the nursing staff at the Tenon hospital in Paris, where one of the serious cases of new coronavirus in the Oise is hospitalized, tested positive and admitted to Pitié-Salpêtrière, but their state of health does not inspire do not worry, announced the AP-HP.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the day on Saturday

These two caregivers tested positive "were hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (in Paris, NLDR), a benchmark health establishment. Four samples are awaiting results," said Saturday in a communicated the Public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris. Their condition "does not have any severity criteria," she adds.

#COVID ー 19 # Coronavirus: update on the situation at @ HopitalTenon AP-HP on February 28, 2020

- AP-HP (@APHP) February 28, 2020

An Oise patient with Covid-19 has been hospitalized since February 21 in the intensive care unit of Tenon, in serious condition. He tested positive on February 27. "The other professionals having been in contact" with this patient "and who present" symptoms of the disease (cough, fever, cold) were immediately placed in professional eviction and removed, "specifies the AP-HP.

The impact of their eviction "under evaluation"

The caregivers of Tenon "presenting no symptoms but for whom the risk of exposure was considered high were placed in professional eviction to avoid any risk of spread". "The impact on the functioning of the services in which the professionals concerned are being evaluated, in conjunction with the health authorities", specifies the AP-HP, which must give details during a press conference late morning.