Teller Report

Anesthetic praise

2/29/2020, 10:08:19 PM

Untruthful praise is a narcotic substance used by many, and distributed free of charge by some of those who have hidden goals and those who are skilled at stifling ambition, and turning these poor people into mummies, or it may be who offers this kind of narcotic praise, does not care to provide explicit opinions about the person or talent

Untruthful praise is a narcotic substance used by many, and distributed free of charge by some of those who have hidden goals and those who are skilled at stifling ambition, and turning these poor people into mummies, or it may be who offers this kind of narcotic praise, does not care to provide explicit opinions about the person or talent He enjoys that, in order to «not crack his head», and some of them know what is the correct way of criticism that he must direct, but he chooses to abandon this step for fear of others not accepting his opinion, and from these many, and here this action makes us stand at the crossroads of foggy roads Answers There is no place for absolute validity or blatant error, as courtesy may be avoided M her magic while, and her poison may spit out at another time, and that depends on the recipient and the way it was presented, some are in desperate need of them when they feel the torture of the soul, and the days pass through them towards the abyss, in that case this courtesy is this that does not matter if it is in its place Or not, by the savior, you pull them out of the chasm and draw a door for a new optimism that they can enter with hope, but in other cases the honest praise negatively affects the person, as if you say to him: “You did well on this project” which he has in fact declared a failure, or “ Your poem is very cool, if I could give you a Nobel Prize for it. With this exaggeration, you might be D gave him the Medal to stop making progress and achievement, and brings me back to the day when I watched the Whiplash movie, when strict music coach Terence Fletcher told Andrew a member of the band: “The two worst words I found in the English language are Good Job,” and here we may find an exaggeration of The coach, but he wanted to push him to the utmost of the effort and if it cost him a lot of work, but he tells us about the reality of life, when you hear some phrases that you may not be satisfied, but you may form the required life collar, and in a study conducted by Harvard Business Review about what If it is a "Negative Feedback", it may contribute to raising my productivity The employee or not, and after a study that included many institutions, they concluded that the employee may benefit from negative feedback in the case if the orientation session was between the official and the employee only, and in the event that these requirements were not taken into account, the employee may do what is known as shopping for confirmation As described in the report, to search for whoever praises him so that he does not feel inferiority and productive decline, and this study may include all who want success in life .. Do not search for a deceptive or fake reality, search for someone who pushes you towards the right path through constructive criticism, Only with him ... you can advance.


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