Teller Report

Al-Azhar mourns Islamic thinker Mohamed Emara: History will still remember him

2/29/2020, 2:27:20 PM

Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, the Islamic thinker, Dr. Muhammad Emara, mourned the member of the Senior Scholars Committee in Al-Azhar, who passed away yesterday evening at the age of 89 years. The Egyptian News Agency, "A. A.", Quoted a statement by Al-Azhar yesterday saying that "the departure of Dr. Muhammad Amara left A vacuum that is difficult to fill in a clear way

Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, an Islamic thinker, Dr. Muhammad Emara, mourned the member of the Senior Scholars Committee of Al-Azhar, who passed away yesterday evening, at the age of 89.

And the Egyptian News Agency "SHA" quoted a statement by Al-Azhar yesterday saying that "the departure of Dr. Muhammad Emara left a vacuum that is difficult to fill among the ranks of the leading scholars who carry the trust of science, and the truth of the word, and that history will continue to mention the deceased of Al-Azhar and the Arab and Islamic nation with his knowledge." His mediating thought is to communicate the message of God, defend the tolerance and moderation of Islam, and elevate it, and refute the suspicions raised about it.
The statement added, "His works filled with knowledge, wisdom and knowledge attest to this, and his major contributions to enriching Islamic thought, which filled the world and covered all general and contemporary intellectual issues, and his lectures, which benefited thousands of students of science in the Islamic world."