Teller Report

90 candles illuminated by "Hi Abu Dhabi" at the Adonis celebration

2/29/2020, 10:08:08 PM

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, affirmed that honoring the Arab poet and thinker Adonis, and celebrating his 90th birthday at the conclusion of the High Festival of Abu Dhabi, is a celebration of the poetic word, and a long history of creativity and continuous work, as it is a recognition of the value and stature of the poet A

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, affirmed that honoring the Arab poet and thinker Adonis, and celebrating his 90th birthday at the conclusion of the High Festival of Abu Dhabi, is a celebration of the poetic word, and a long history of creativity and continuous work, as it is a recognition of the value and stature of the poet at the Arab levels The scientist, expressing his pride in Adonis as a poet and author of a distinguished literary project with whom he taught many prominent names in the sky of poetry and literature.

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak expressed his happiness at the success of the international festival organized by the Ministry of Tolerance in cooperation with the High Festival of Arts and Literature in the United Kingdom in Manarat Al Saadiyat in Abu Dhabi, both at the quantitative level in terms of the intensity of events and the numbers of audiences of all groups and ages, or in terms of quality, as it provided The festival is a wide platform for a large number of writers, poets and scholars of the world to share with everyone their creations in sophisticated dialogues characterized by depth and respect for difference and acceptance of the other, so that everyone emerges from the festival winners.


The Minister of Tolerance added that the High Abu Dhabi Festival was a message of peace and love to the whole world, and this is the message of the Ministry of Tolerance that it always strives to achieve, whether through arts, culture or community development, and other fields “because tolerance and human brotherhood are for us a way of life that we all deserve. And the world deserves it with us, and that is why (Abu Dhabi) was a great platform to showcase the unique experience of the Emirates in promoting tolerance and human brotherhood as an experience that can be measured and gifted to the whole world, so reviewing this experience was not through a lecture or a presentation, but rather through coexistence and actions on a Real life, which is the most honest and deepest impact. ”

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak added, “The Hai Abu Dhabi Festival was a real platform for pluralism and freedom of thought, no one confiscated anyone’s thought, and no one was excluded as a result of our disagreement with his opinion or his stances, and everyone had dialogue according to the rules of human brotherhood and respect for the other regardless of his opinion or belief. Or its color or nationality, ”hoping that the second session of the festival will be richer, deeper and more deeply rooted in the value of Abu Dhabi as a capital of thought and creativity as well as being the capital of renaissance and progress. He expressed his appreciation and thanks to all those responsible for the festival and its participants from all over the world, including poets, writers, artists, scholars and thinkers, and to the audience, which was characterized by sophistication and a love of culture and knowledge and was enriching the festival.

between friends

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Cabinet Member and Minister of Tolerance, witnessed the celebration organized by the "High Abu Dhabi" festival, yesterday evening, on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the poet Adonis, with the participation of his friends who are poets from several countries around the world, including Zulekha Aburisha, Volker Brown, Qasim Haddad, Pierre and Juris, Yang Lian, Sergey Bay and Andre Filter.

For his part, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Authority, Dr. Ali bin Tamim, during his presentation of the ceremonial evening, pointed to the position of the great poet «and what he presented from the legacy of multiple poetry and unique in splitting new paths in Arabic poetry that we still continue today and track their impact», adding : “Today here in Abu Dhabi with the fans of Adonis and this exceptional group of poets, we celebrate that unique spike that has expanded fields and multiplied wheat and bread in the heart of all poetry lovers, adhering to originality, thirsting for renewal, believing in the power of language and its ability to penetrate imagination, and the power of imagination to enrich language Preserving and keeping them ache It has a language for the present and the future, not just a language for the past. He is the poet philosopher and the poet philosopher, but he steps with confidence at the threshold of 90. It always reminds us that the true poet gives birth to a child, to grow up a child, to grow old and a child to return.

The ceremony was attended by President of the UAE University Saeed Ghobash, the French ambassador to the Emirates Ludovic Puy, the general manager of the Office of the Minister of Tolerance Afra Al Sabri, and a number of poets of the world and the family of "Hi Abu Dhabi".

Identity is no longer a legacy

For his part, the poet Adonis affirmed his pride in honoring. He said during the reception organized in his honor by the French embassy in the Emirates, prior to the celebration: «This cultural meeting increases my confidence that the different other is no longer just an element in the interaction, but has become an important dimension of the dimensions of the self itself in its interaction with the other, and this is what I foresaw Arab mystics by saying (I am the other), and the words of Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi (another friend is you), and the Arab philosophers have won Ibn Rushd in naming the other in the person of Aristotle (my teacher), which is the first salutation to the other who is different in the history of human relations, and France completed in Modern era This biography is in the saying of Rambo: (I am the other one) ».

He added: «This matter refers to several things that I am keen to mention two of them: The first is that cultural identity is no longer a legacy as much as it has become creativity, for a person creates his identity while creating his ideas and actions, as if identity comes from the present and the future more than it comes from the past, and the second is that For a person as a creative being, he does not say yes to confronting the world except by what liberates man, not only from the outside, but from the inside, and art in its various manifestations is the one that discloses the energies of peoples and explores their horizons, and allows for their presence on this earth unique distinctive radiation ».

Peace message

The French Ambassador to the Emirates Ludovic Boy expressed his happiness by celebrating the great poet Adonis, who is an inspiration for his creativity, pointing out that gathering poets from different countries of the world in Abu Dhabi, and giving their poems in many languages ​​the most beautiful message of tolerance, freedom, peace, openness and dialogue with the other to the world.


"Art in its various manifestations is the one that exposes the energies of peoples and explores their horizons, and allows for their presence on this earth unique and unique radiation."

Ali bin Tamim:

"Adonis, stepping confidently at the threshold of 90, always reminds us that the true poet gives birth to a child, to grow up a child, to grow old and a child to return."