Teller Report

The trainer explained the reasons for Russian gymnasts to refuse to perform at the KM stage in the USA

2/28/2020, 2:39:25 PM

Valentina Rodionenko, the head coach of the Russian gymnastics team, spoke about the reason Russian gymnasts refused to participate in the World Cup in American Milwaukee.

“As for the stage in the USA, such a decision was made due to the fact that athletes fly there with two transfers. One of them is in Amsterdam, it is the worst. If at least one person on the plane is under suspicion, then all passengers will be quarantined for at least two weeks. Can you imagine what two weeks of quarantine mean for a gymnast? We are facing the European Championship, ”Rodionenko quotes TASS.

The European Championship in gymnastics will be held from May 6 to 10, 2020 in Baku.

Earlier, the gymnast Nagorny said that the Russian team will miss the KM stage in the United States because of the coronavirus.