Teller Report

Sjöström: "Everyone celebrated well"

2/28/2020, 12:33:31 PM

Sun Yang, 28, is suspended for eight years for drug offenses. It made Sarah Sjöström cheer. - This was really good news, she tells DN.

Sarah Sjöström has been one of the stronger voices against Chinese Sun Yang.

After the World Cup in South Korean Gwangju last summer, where Yang won double gold, the Swede was critical that he had been allowed to participate at all.

- I understand those who are competing against Sun Yang. It must be really awful to have to compete with someone who is doping, she said.

Today, the verdict came against the 28-year-old. He is sentenced to eight years in prison for doping crime after refusing to conduct a doping test in his home in China in September 2018 in September 2018. His team ended up destroying the test.

To Dagens Nyheter Sarah Sjöström now expresses her joy at the message.

- We heard it in the middle of a workout and everyone celebrated properly. He deserves eight years of suspension. This was really good news, she tells the magazine.