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Frida Karlsson: "Good memories from here"

2/28/2020, 6:42:31 PM

After Frida Karlsson jumped off the Ski Tour she is back in the World Cup which this weekend runs in Finnish Lahti. Last season she won three JVM golds there. - I have good memories from here, she tells SVT Sport.

Last year, Frida Karlsson took three golds in Lahti when the junior World Cup was decided in the Finnish ski resort. Now she is back when the world cup runs in Lahti this weekend with the distances 10 kilometers classic and relay.

- I have good memories from here when I ran the junior World Cup last year in Lahti, and it went well. I like the tracks here and look forward to the weekend, ”says Frida Karlsson to SVT Sport.

Bet on the World Cup

Frida Karlsson, who had a competitive ban parts of the season, only went two stages in the Ski Tour. After the races in Östersund, she has uploaded in Seefeld with Maja Dahlqvist, who also has fond memories of Lahti.

- I took my first distance points here at the World Cup, and this is the only time I've competed here, says Maja Dahlqvist SVT Sport.

After the competitions in Lahti, Ebba Andersson, among others, goes to the U23 World Cup in Germany. Frida Karlsson, on the other hand, is investing in the World Cup, which then continues in Canadian Quebec and Canmore.

- I feel that it gives me more to be in the World Cup and have full focus on it. Right now I try to see each race as a new experience that I will bring with me especially next year. I think more of the future and this is best for me, ”says Frida Karlsson.