Teller Report

Fire in Strasbourg: the preferred criminal track, prolonged police custody

2/28/2020, 10:33:59 AM

The dramatic fire which killed five people on the night of Wednesday to Thursday in Strasbourg could be of criminal origin. This is at least the conclusion of an expert report, while the electrical failure has been ruled out. The police custody of the two people arrested near the building has been extended.

The dramatic fire which killed five people on the night of Wednesday to Thursday in Strasbourg could be of criminal origin. This is at least the conclusion of an expert report, while the electrical failure has been ruled out. The police custody of the two people arrested near the building has been extended.

The police custody of the two people arrested near the Strasbourg building where a fire killed 5 people in the night from Wednesday to Thursday has been extended, we learned on Friday from the prosecution. "A second expertise favors the criminal track" in this fire, said a source familiar with the matter, while the prosecution had indicated on Thursday evening that the first observations tended "to rule out the hypothesis of a simple electrical failure" first put forward by the prefectural authorities.

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