Teller Report

FINA: Enforcement of Sun Yang's Ruling

2/28/2020, 5:03:13 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, February 28th. On the 28th, the FINA issued a statement on its official website, stating that the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal's ruling on Sun Yang would be implemented.

On the 28th, the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal announced that Chinese swimmer Sun Yang failed to comply with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency and decided to ban Sun Yang for 8 years.

The FINA stated: "Although there will be further legal proceedings (referring to Sun Yang's appeal), the FINA will implement the sanctions against the swimmers according to the outcome of the ruling. The FINA also noted the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal's The judgment of Sun Yang's game result. "

The International Sports Arbitration Tribunal stated in its ruling that, because there was no evidence that Sun Yang had taken any stimulants before the anti-examination on September 4, 2018, all the results of Sun Yang's games before the ruling were still valid.