Teller Report

"10,000 free masks are offered" Municipality launched

2/28/2020, 9:12:54 AM

After all, masks have become a necessity, but the war for obtaining masks continues on the market, while Jecheon-si first handed out the masks freely stored to citizens.


After all, masks have become a necessity, but the war for obtaining masks continues on the market, while Jecheon-si first handed out the masks freely stored to citizens.

Reporter Kim Ki-soo has been to the scene.


Jecheon Civic Center Square is full of people lined up.

This is a free distribution of masks in Jecheon.

It is three pieces for person targeted to Jecheon citizens.

Finding a mask is no good news for citizens these days because the sky stars are picking up.

[Lim Jong-won / Shinbaek-dong, Jecheon-si, Chungbuk: I don't have one at the pharmacy right now.

Especially for seniors who are unfamiliar with online shopping, it is no different than the end of drought.

[Choi Chang-hee / Cheongjeon-dong, Jecheon-si, Chungbuk: What do young people do on the Internet? Our elderly people can't use the internet. I don't know where to go… ]

Immediately after the first outbreak of Corona 19, Jecheon-si distributed over 10,000 masks to vulnerable groups and citizens.

[Lee Sangcheon / Cheongbuk Jecheon Mayor: In case of multi-group, there are voices of dissatisfaction, so make 8 lines at least 3m apart so that people who need it can wear masks… ]

Jecheon City plans to secure additional masks and provide them free of charge to civilians who have a lot of contact with citizens such as fire departments, police stations, and medical institutions.