Teller Report

Wuhan epidemic: improper deserters at critical moments

2/27/2020, 2:16:33 PM

(Fighting new crown pneumonia) Wuhan war epidemic: improper deserters at critical moments

China News Service, Wuhan, February 27th: The "epidemic" of Wuhan war: improper desertion at critical moments

China News Agency reporter Xu Jinbo

"Community work is complex. We sometimes feel aggrieved or even aggrieved. Many colleagues have cried. Sometimes we are afraid. At critical moments, we do not have a picket or deserter. Sometimes we are happy. The residents not only save themselves, but they also care about us."

Recently, he has been on CCTV, has been praised by the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and the Wuhan Municipal Party Secretary “Like”, Wang Yaling, Secretary of the Party Committee of Bairuijing Community, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, raised his recent anti-epidemic life on the 27th.

Bairuijing Community is located in the Wuchang business district in central Wuhan. It belongs to a very large community, with more than 8,000 households and 21,300 residents. Wang Yaling introduced that there are only 23 community service workers, and most of them are women, which is equivalent to serving nearly 1,000 residents per person, and everyone is basically running at full capacity every day.

The closure of the Han corridor, the ban on motor vehicles in the urban area, and the closed-door management of residential communities ... With the escalating prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, the population of the densely populated Bairuijing community is increasing, and the subsequent travel and medical difficulties Problems such as shopping difficulties and so on have become increasingly prominent.

Wang Yaling said that the most difficult time for the community was from the end of January to the beginning of February. On the one hand, there were fifty or sixty confirmed and suspected patients in the community. Due to the extremely tight bed resources in Wuhan at that time, they could not seek medical treatment, and the residents were angry. On the other hand, the government requires that the epidemic prevention and control be strengthened. Patients cannot be resettled and separated from their homes. A large number of residents buy food and medicine, and they must be delivered to the door by community workers, which consumes a lot of energy.

"Facing the accusations of residents, the community can only persuade and appease, but can't come up with practical solutions. Many staff members feel very grieved and cry." Wang Yaling admitted that this situation continued to the first batch of Wuhan Three new “cabin hospitals” were put into use, and the community received places for the first time on February 7.

At the same time, community epidemic prevention materials are scarce, and even plastic raincoats should be used as protective clothing. Coupled with daily negative information, colleagues are scared. She was also afraid of going home for a while, worried about transmitting the virus to her sick mother.

With the firm support of her family, she came to the office at 7 o'clock every morning to sort out problems, cheer up, and actively communicate with complaining residents. I believe that her enthusiasm can melt the residents' ice.

Wang Yaling said that during this time, the difficulties and pressures faced by community workers can be imagined. Coupled with their income of only more than 1,000 yuan, she even made the worst plans for colleagues to leave. However, after crying and complaining, no one offered to resign, and also said: "At the critical moment, don't drop the chain, don't pick a pick, not be a deserter!" "Even if you leave, you have to wait until the epidemic has passed."

When she was most helpless, a telephone call from community resident Yu Jun, a core member of the Ruijing Caring Group, offered her volunteer services such as purchasing and food delivery, which gave her great hope. Driven by him, more than 400 volunteers now lend a helping hand and provide heartwarming volunteer services to community residents. Many residents saw that community workers were in difficult conditions and took the initiative to send in supplies such as disinfection water, alcohol, and protective clothing, which made her feel relieved.

At present, more than 7,000 residential communities in Wuhan are under closed control. In order to deal with the needs of the residents in a timely manner within 24 hours, the Bairuijing community has established a voluntary service mechanism for counterpart services and set up a resident life security group. Many residents who have never known each other now not only help each other, but also actively participate in community epidemic prevention and control.

"Activating the residents will make the community work less tiring." Wang Yaling said that Wang Zhonglin, a member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, recently came to Bairuijing Community to "like" the community staff and volunteers. This sentence made her deeply understand. The community will play an exemplary role of staff and volunteers to win the people's war against epidemic prevention and control as soon as possible. (Finish)