Teller Report

The first Egyptian comment on Saudi Arabia's decision to suspend Umrah visas

2/27/2020, 1:01:04 PM

In the first Egyptian comment on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s decision to suspend Umrah visas, the Egyptian Minister of Endowments, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Juma, confirmed that the Kingdom’s temporary suspension of granting Umrah visas and visiting the Noble Sanctuary falls under the rule of “staving off spoilers made to bring interest.”

In the first Egyptian comment on the decision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to suspend Umrah visas, the Egyptian Minister of Endowments, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Jumaa, affirmed that the Kingdom's temporary suspension of granting Umrah visas and visiting the Noble Sanctuary falls under the rule of "staving off spoilers to bring interest."

Juma explained, in a press statement today, Thursday, that Saudi Arabia’s decision is justified for the legitimacy of preserving lives and paying what it exposes to the investigator or the most likely suspect, in light of the Saudi Foreign Ministry statement, which confirmed that this measure is a temporary precaution aimed at contributing to curbing the spread of a virus Corona, and that this procedure will be subject to continuous re-evaluation.

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