Teller Report

Resumption enterprises to prevent employees from building up the roof of the building, the employees of the farm to cultivate fitness-China News

2/27/2020, 1:44:20 PM

Recently, Chongqing enterprises have resumed work. On the top of the 33-meter-high building of Chongqing Maxim's Group, reporters saw tens of thousands of square meters of green space being opened up in farmland, while employees were cultivating in the field.

The relevant person in charge of the company told reporters that, in order to prevent and control the epidemic, to prevent workers from gathering in leisure time, their rooftop farm is open to employees, where they can grow crops such as rice, vegetables, and fruits. The employees walked out of the workshop and came to the open space. At the same time, they could exercise and grow edible green vegetables. (Jia Nan)

Editor-in-chief: [Liu Xian]