Teller Report

Helen Mirren: "Isabel II doesn't care about her wardrobe, she just wants to put on some boots and walk with her dogs in the rain"

2/27/2020, 2:17:59 PM

She was one of the youngest actresses to join the Royal Shakespeare Company, a fetish actress of author cinema, with works for Robert Altman or Paul Schrader, and action heroine

She was one of the youngest actresses to join the Royal Shakespeare Company , a fetish actress from author cinema, with works for Robert Altman or Paul Schrader, and action heroine in adrenaline and popcorn blockbusters like 'Fast and Furious' .

His charisma and eclecticism will be recognized at the Berlinale, where he receives the Golden Bear of honor in recognition of his entire career. But before being awarded, Helen Mirrren (London, 1945), has met with emerging film and television professionals gathered at the Berlinale Talents forum.

During the meeting, the actress reviewed five of her most significant roles in the small and the big screen. It started with the British gangster action drama ' The Long Good Friday ' (John Mackenzie, 1981), where she was disappointed by the female character: "The script was fantastic, except for my role, which was that of the gangster's girlfriend and I did nothing but sit in a corner. " Mirren helped give him entity with his contributions. He made the movie richer, more complex and unexpected. "It helped that I was young and naive, and that I did not know that this interference was not allowed." The interpreter contributed several ideas to incorporate it into the plot, such as changing her social extraction. The protagonist, originally from the working class, changed to being an educated, upper middle class girl, "wanting to shop around the wild side of life."

The character that made him known to the public in his country was that of Chief Inspector Jane Tennison in the series 'Principal suspect'. In the saga, which lasted for 10 seasons, between 1991 and 2003, the sexism in the police force was evident.

In Peter Greenaway's black comedy 'The cook, the thief, his wife and his lover' (1989), Mirren starred in high-voltage erotic scenes, scenes in which I have reiterated throughout his career, although He has stated that it is not very pleasant "to be naked in a set where everyone is dressed and they are men"

Her husband, director Taylor Hackford, whom she met filming 'Sun Nights' (1985), I trust that in this type of sequence "it is not necessary to improvise, but they need to be orchestrated." Hence his enthusiasm for the incorporation into the industry of privacy directors , a job category that refers to the professionals who are in charge of choreographing the movie and television scenes that include sex or nudes. From that shoot he highlighted the great experience of working with the costumes of Jean Paul Gaultier, a glamorous and fetishistic symphony of hats, monkeys and dresses with ostrich feathers in white, red and black, corsets, boots, bondage accessories and transparent lingerie .

The costume of 'The Queen' (Stephen Frears, 2006) has commented that it was not such an incentive: "When I saw what I had to wear, I started to cry, literally. Isabel was a very beautiful young woman, but without any vanity, like this who has always carried what they have told him. All he wants is to put on some boots and walk with his dogs in the rain . " That paper was the Oscar, the BAFTA, the Golden Globe and the Actors Guild Award . Now we know a lot about Isabel II through the Netflix series 'The Crown', of which Mirren has declared herself a fan, but when the actress assumed the role of the monarch, "it was a hot potato ."

The last film he stopped during the talk was 'The Last Station' (Michael Hoffman, 2009), in which he gave life to Sonia Tolstoy. The paper approached its origins: Helen Mirren is actually called Ilyena Vasílievna Mirónova and is the granddaughter of a Russian colonel who escaped to London from the Russian Revolution . The interpreter has highlighted how Sonia wrote War and Peace three times by hand. "It cannot be reduced to being Tolstoy's wife, she was an extraordinary woman and the editor of her literary works."

The veteran actress has stockpiled a good assortment of roles of hard women in her career, but considers that this trait is absolutely superficial: "What makes an interesting character is not his strength, but his vulnerability. It is the investigation of weaknesses under the guise of power that attracts the audience. "

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