Teller Report

The working group suggested the date of voting on the Constitution

2/26/2020, 9:52:14 PM

A nationwide vote on constitutional amendments should be held on Wednesday, April 22. This was during a meeting of the working group on the Constitution with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said co-chair of the working group, Senator Andrei Klishas.

He noted that the working group is working closely with the CEC of Russia, and currently "preparations are underway for a national vote."

“So far, the question of the date of this all-Russian vote remains open. Here were a few suggestions. We discussed these proposals, Vladimir Vladimirovich, let me suggest you April 22 this year as the date of the all-Russian vote, ”he said.

As Klishas emphasized, the logic of choice "was quite simple here."

“By April 19, Orthodox fasting ends, Easter. On April 24, our Muslim brothers begin the holy month of Ramadan. Between these dates is the 22nd. This is a working day, but we will also have to foresee that, of course, this day will be declared a day off, ”he explained.

According to one of the authors of the amendments, the head of the State Duma committee, Pavel Krasheninnikov, the appointment of a vote under the Constitution will be carried out by presidential decree.

In early February, the media also wrote that the main voting date under consideration is April 22.

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