Teller Report

The Ministry of Education did not support the idea of ​​fines for insulting teachers

2/26/2020, 7:52:53 PM

Penalties for insulting teachers are unlikely to help build trusting relationships between them and their parents, the Russian Ministry of Education said.

“Creating a comfortable psychological environment in schools is impossible if you act exclusively with prohibitions and penalties,” Interfax quoted the text of the message.

As noted, to minimize conflict situations, a comprehensive approach is needed: improving the quality of education, supporting teachers, raising parents' awareness of children's learning.

The press service emphasized the importance of creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and reported on active work in this direction.

Earlier, the All-Russian Education Union proposed introducing a fine for insulting a teacher, as well as a new article in the Criminal Code with the punishment of imprisonment.

Olga Miryasova, a representative of the teacher’s trade union, commented on the initiative in an interview with 360.