Teller Report

This will eliminate Madrid coal boilers: 12, 5 million and subsidies of up to 60% in 2020

2/25/2020, 10:05:57 AM

The boilers in the city of Madrid have an expiration date: January 1, 2022. Date on which the new Air Quality and Sustainability Ordinance will prohibit carb

  • Madrid 360.The 200 measures: free buses, prohibit polluting vehicles and put an end to coal boilers

The boilers in the city of Madrid have an expiration date: January 1, 2022. Date on which the new Air Quality and Sustainability ordinance will ban coal in the capital. For this, the City Council, as indicated by municipal sources to EL MUNDO, will begin to distribute aid for the change of these facilities "from next summer".

These grants for the year 2020 will amount to 12.5 million euros in the capital. The distribution, indicated in the Area of ​​Environment and Mobility, will be two million euros for "the removal of coal boilers", 8.5 million for "the withdrawal of diesel boilers" and the remaining two million will go to Small and medium enterprises so that they can reform their air conditioning systems and turn them into "less polluting electrical installations".

The corporation will proceed with this line of aid to partially subsidize the removal of these boilers throughout the municipal district of Madrid. If the installation of coal were for domestic use, the Consistory will contribute 60% of the cost of replacing it, whereas if it were other uses, that percentage would be reduced to 40% .

The same will happen with the diesel boilers to which the capital will try to put an end to the near future. In this case, the subsidies will be between 40 and 25% depending on whether they are installed in a domestic environment or their use is of any other type.

With this line of credit, from the City Council they point out to this newspaper that the objective pursued in the capital is «to eliminate the 200 coal boilers currently in the city» in the next two years and that within a period of eight, that is to say, in 2028, an end to "approximately 2,250 diesel " that still exist in Madrid.

Sources from the department headed by Borja Carabante indicate that from the area "a call will be made to select a collaborating entity that acts on behalf of and on behalf of the City Council." The functions of that company will consist of “checking the conditions” to access these grants, “processing the petition” in each case, “verifying the performance of the activity” in the terms established by the municipal corporation, “fulfilling the purpose »of putting an end to these facilities and, finally,« making delivery to the beneficiaries of the funds ».

Throughout the process, the Consistory "will request all invoices " to those who have requested these grants to "verify that the facilities have been carried out," indicate the sources consulted.

This Carbon 0 Plan was already announced by the mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, during the presentation of the Madrid 360 air quality plan last September as one of its measures for the mandate.

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