Teller Report

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: SMEs return to work close to 30%

2/24/2020, 9:29:01 AM client February 24 (Reporter Wu Tao) On the 24th, at a press conference held by the State Council, Tian Yulong, a member of the Party Leadership Group and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that according to the current monitoring, small and medium-sized enterprises have started to overcome difficulties. Construction has steadily picked up, with preliminary monitoring approaching 30%. Five measures will be taken to support small and medium-sized enterprises, firstly, to promote the precise and resumption of work in small and medium-sized enterprises as soon as possible, and to further increase the rate of small and medium-sized enterprises' resumption of work; and secondly, to implement preferential financial policies and policies to reduce the small and medium-sized enterprises. The financial pressure of enterprises; the third is the cooperation of various departments to solve the difficulties of resuming production of small and medium-sized enterprises; the fourth is to give play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises; and the fifth is to guide and help small and medium-sized enterprises to prevent and control the epidemic situation of resuming production and resume production.

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