Teller Report

Cereals for breakfast, lunch and dinner

2/23/2020, 5:46:16 PM

Madrid is a city where, in addition to traditional bars and restaurants, you can also find specialized establishments in any product. Since the centenary

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The menu includes up to 80 different types of cereals. Cereal Hunters Café

Madrid is a city where, in addition to traditional bars and restaurants, you can also find specialized establishments in any product . From the centenary cooked of Lhardy, to the infinity of cheeses that of Poncelet Cheese Bar, through the ramen of Chuka and the baths of Buns and Bones. In this list also have cereals.

Almost four years after opening its doors, Cereal Hunters Café has made a place as a leisure place in Madrid and that first premises in Tribunal add two other premises in the capital and one more in Barcelona.

The procedure, in case someone does not know, is simple: you choose bowl size (the small and medium only admits one type of cereal and the large one, two) and the products. In your letter you can find more than 80 types of cereals - with or without sugar and even vegans - that vary every month, both from Spain and imported (mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States). Also 15 types of milk : fresh, sheep, hazelnut, coconut, almond, rice ... even cow !; and 13 topping (white or milk chocolate, Reese's, clouds, M & M's and Kit Kat, among others). "It may seem intimidating, but the team manages to get the best combination for each client," says co-founder Cristina López. The result can be completed with some dye, which makes the bowl even more beautiful for the relevant photo on Instagram.

Cereal Hunters Café.

Among all of them, guess what the star cereal is? " The most demanded are the Froot Loops, " he says, American cereals with rings of famous colors for having appeared in many series such as The Big Bang Theory . By the way, they all have the same flavor.

The public of each place depends on where it is located, although López explains that at this time the profile of people has been expanded . "There are places where the public is very young, from 15 to 27 years old, and others that are much more familiar where parents and children go to snack after school." Also grandparents with their grandchildren. "It is the case of Valentina and her grandmother, who come to snack at one of the establishments two days a week. While she always asks for something different, her grandmother always drinks tea."

And the supply of Cereal Hunters Café goes far beyond cereals. In your letter you can find Coffee'n crunch (coffee with cereals), cereal milkshake or Oreo biscuit, waffles with Nutella or pancakes with cream or ice cream and syrup. For the more classic, they also have classic pastries and toast with oil and tomato.

In addition, the idea has been so successful that they already organize birthdays and even ride corners in communions, weddings and even business breakfasts. Of course, always with cereals as the protagonist.

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