Teller Report

302 confirmed cod… Confirmation of medical students, teachers, civil servants, and nursery schools

2/23/2020, 3:29:29 AM

In Daegu, the spread of new coronavirus infections has been confirmed, including medical workers, civil servants, teachers, high school students, and nursery students. According to the Daegu City and the National Defense Agency, the number of confirmed Daegu doctors increased by 93 by 9 am today from 4 pm yesterday.

In Daegu, the spread of new coronavirus infections (Corona 19) has been confirmed.

According to Daegu City and the National Defense Agency, the number of confirmed Daegu doctors was 93 more than 4 pm yesterday.

As a result, there are 302 Daegu cumulative confirmers.

It has been five days since the first one came out on the 18th.

Among the additional confirmed patients in Daegu, 63 were related to the Shincheonji Daegu Church.

2 additional officials (Central Fire Department staff, 5th Army Support Command Military Officer), 1 teacher (Daegu High School, Dalseo-gu Sangin High School), 2 high school students Has been confirmed.

In addition, a fourth-year-old student from Nam-gu Hanalin Daycare Center, whose 58th confirmed student was a teacher, is confirmed as a confirmer during self-isolation and is being treated for hospitalization.

Confirmation of medical personnel followed.

Five local medical personnel were identified as confirmed, including 1 nurse in Deoksan-dong Gwanggae Hospital, Deoksan-dong, Jung-gu, Pyeongri-dong, Daegu, Korea. I'm currently in quarantine.

These facilities plan to complete defense work today.

Daegu City has secured 487 beds at Daegu Medical Center (239 beds) and Daegu Dongsan Hospital (248 beds) to use for the treatment of patients.

The government dispatches more than 50 public health officials to Daegu to support screening clinics and visit sampling.

(Photo = Yonhap News)