Teller Report

Sexual violence in sport: "What comes out in the media is 20% of what we receive," says Maracineanu

2/22/2020, 10:09:59 AM

At the end of the first & nbsp; Convention for the prevention of sexual violence in sport, Minister Roxana Maracineanu entrusted to Europe 1 that the testimonies released in the press represent only & quot; 20% & quot; cases received by the Ministry of Sports. & nbsp;

At the end of the first Convention for the prevention of sexual violence in sport, Minister Roxana Maracineanu told Europe 1 that the testimonies released in the press only represent "20%" of the cases received by the Ministry of Sports.


"Free speech". This is the watchword of the Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu given this Friday during the first Convention for the prevention of sexual violence in sport, organized on her initiative. Three weeks after the publication of the skater Sarah Abitbol's book, Un si long silence , point of departure for a wave of revelations of abuse in French sport which notably led to the resignation of the president of the federation of ice sports , Didier Gailhaguet.

"Testimonies opened eyes and ears"

Accompanied by the Minister of Child Protection Adrien Taquet, the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet, but also the Secretary of State responsible for Equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination Marlène Schiappa, Roxana Maracineanu believes that this first convention allowed the world of sport to look at things in the face, to live "a moment of catharsis". The recent "testimonies have opened eyes and ears", continues the minister who insists on the importance of the freedom of speech.

"It is all well and good to have all the tools [in the ministry], if we do not know that there are cases, we will be able to do nothing," she recalls before indicating that the testimonies "which come out in the media, that's 20% of cases reported to the ministry. " Cases that are "heard, dealt with by administrative inquiries and reported to the Justice".

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