Teller Report

Mats Svegfors (M): Strong mark against public service

2/22/2020, 1:51:45 AM

During Thursday's meeting with the Parliamentary Committee on Culture, the Swedish Democrats wanted to call the heads of the public service companies, since the party believes that individual programs have broken down on the issue of impartiality. An unusual request, according to Mats Svegfors (M), former CEO of Swedish Radio. - It has never happened before. It is a strong mark against public service.

The Swedish Democrats' request has been criticized by several political groups, including the chairman of the Culture Committee, Christer Nylander (L), who believes that the play is an attempt at political control. Mats Svegfors is also critical of the play, but he is not surprised.

- This is done to continue to oppose the current system. It is not that you hesitate to commit a breach of principle, but you do so precisely because it is a breach of principle. It gives attention. At the same time, it is not only the Swedish Democrats who are critical of public service, but also the Moderates and the Christian Democrats, he says.

Contested in several countries

However, one thing that is noteworthy, according to Mats Svegfors, is that the criticism comes at the same time as the Swedish local and daily press is facing major financial difficulties.

- Swedish journalism is facing major trials. Choosing to criticize the actors that still work is very remarkable, says Mats Svegfors and continues:

- However, it is not only in Sweden that we see this type of criticism. In the UK, the Conservative government has questioned the BBC, which is itself out of fashion when it comes to public service. In the US, we see something similar when Donald Trump attacks the media.

Criticism against Morning Studio and P3

According to the Swedish Democrats' cultural policy spokesperson Aron Emilsson, there are two clear examples of occasions when public service has failed when it comes to impartiality. On the one hand, a studio talk about juvenile delinquency in SVT's Morning Studio and on the Swedish radio program "P3 with Rebecca and Fiona".

- These are issues we have raised that originated, not least in last Thursday's feature in the Morning Study where they discussed the robbery, with a very one-sided perspective, he says.

- Many on social media but also in the public policy debate have reacted to the fact that public service companies are unable to fulfill their mission, he continues.

In a vote at Thursday's meeting of the Culture Committee, the proposal was voted down.

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