Teller Report

Arnaud Ducret surprised by the emotion aroused by "Mine de rien": "I saw people cry!"

2/22/2020, 3:10:31 AM

The actor Arnaud Ducret, known among other things for & quot; Parents user manual & quot; or & # 39; The teachers & # 39 ;, is also showing, on Wednesday, a more intimate film: the social comedy & # 39; Mine de rien & # 39 ;, audience award at the Alpe d'Huez festival. A comedy & quot; very funny & quot; who still pulled tears to some, he says on Europe 1.

The actor Arnaud Ducret, known among other things for "Parents mode emploi" or "Les profs", is also showing, on Wednesday, a more intimate film: the social comedy "Mine de rien", audience price at the Alpe d'Huez festival. A comedy "very funny" that still drew tears to some, he says on Europe 1.


Arnaud Ducret, French comedian and comedian, will appear on Wednesday in the movie Mine de Rien, the first feature by Mathias Mlekuz who won the audience prize at the Alpe d'Huez 2020 comedy festival. 'Europe 1, he returns to the strength of this film, its echo in the face of current events, which tells of the battle of workers confronted with the closure of their mine, who have the idea of ​​transforming it into an amusement park. .. "Mathias' grandfather was a Polish miner, who went down to the coal mines at the age of 13. It intrigued this kid who was Mathias, and when he saw the mine cars, he imagined a train ghost. It's a bit like the genesis of Mine de rien, "says the actor.

"We didn't expect so much emotion"

We therefore follow the story of a small group of workers on internship to work "in a box called Armageddon and which leaves at the last moment in the countries of the East. And we are not even at current ", explains Arnaud Ducret, embarked on the project in 2014 and who plays one of the main characters. "So we decide to roll up our sleeves saying that if the state forgets us, we will try something. What if we made this mine an amusement park?" Then begins a story full of adventures, hope and poetry ... And also very current in its themes.

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"This is a bit beyond us. Today it echoes what is happening in France, but when I was offered it six years ago, France was not in the same state. realized that today it resonated. " Besides, he confides, during the screening at the Alpe d'Huez comedy festival, where the film won the public's prize, "I saw people crying in front of me, who said "it was so beautiful, thank you very much!" We didn't expect people to be so emotional, so it was very memorable. "

Women "leaders"

The film was shot in Lens and Loos-en-Gohelle in the North of France, which according to Arnaud Ducret "gives the light to this film: it's not at all miserable, it's very funny", assures the actor. A low budget film, from which "a lot of tenderness and a great respect for our peers" emerges. The actor also believes that "women have a very strong place, they are the leaders: the mayor is a woman, Mélanie Bernier who will shake us is a woman ..."

Casually released on February 26.