Teller Report

"Submission" by Michel Houellebecq adapted into film by Guillaume Nicloux

2/22/2020, 8:46:13 AM

Jean-Paul Rouve will be the headliner of the film, shooting from September

The writer Michel Houellebecq, in April 2015 - EFE / SIPA

Director Guillaume Nicloux will adapt Michel Houellebecq's submission not on the small but on the big screen. A first project evoked a series but it is a feature film that plans to shoot from September the director, who also co-signed the script. The controversial book imagined the coming to power in France of a president from a Muslim political party in 2022. Jean-Paul Rouve was chosen for the main role, and the rest of the casting is underway.

Guillaume Nicloux has already shown his closeness to the author of Particules elementaires by filming him in Thalasso , a comic huis clos released last year with Gérard Depardieu, in Michel Houellebecq’s Abduction , produced for Arte in 2014, and L '' Gordji affair: story of a cohabitation in 2012 on Canal +. Soumission , a novel of anticipation, was released the same day as the attack on Charlie Hebdo, and remained for several weeks at the head of sales in France, Germany and Italy, with more than two million copies sold.


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  • Michel Houellebecq
  • Cinema
  • Adaptation