Teller Report

Retrained slop Niclas Buström goal scorer again in Skellefteå victory

2/21/2020, 8:19:53 AM

A button ago, former national team back Niclas Burström got the chance as center - against Oskarshamn. Then it became a goal and an assist in the 3–5 loss. Tonight Skellefteå met Oskarshamn again - and Burström scored another goal when Skellefteå took revenge. "Move," he said.

Niclas Burström has made himself known as one of SHL's best slopes in the last decade, and was elected as the league's best slug four years ago.

But in an injured Skellefteå he has recently had to move higher up the track. For a short month, it happened for the first time, when Skellefteå received Oskarshamn at home in Västerbotten.

More matches as a center

For Burström it was something of a success, as he scored both a goal and an assist. For Skellefteå, however, there was a loss of 3-5.

Since then, Burström has more or less established as a regular center in the team, and has been allowed to play at that position in six of seven games.

Pudas assisted

So also tonight, when Skellefteå again met Oskarshamn. And even tonight it became a goal for Burström.

16.04 into the second period, three Kronor pitcher Jonathan Pudas, from the blue line at the right edge, threw a shot towards goal. At the left edge of the drawing circle was Niclas Burström and guided the puck into the goal for 2-1.

"I tried to be careful, but it gets on my leg, so it's just to thank and receive," he told C More, telling him that tonight he was happy with his new role as a center:

- Right now when I have this move I am rather center. But if you ask me next week, I don't know.

Decided by extension

Burström's goal, however, was not enough for three points. The match was extended, after a rather late 3-3 receipt by Oskarshamn's Jonas Engström.

But it was still the sixth straight victory for Skellefteå. 2.13 into the extension namely Andreas Wingerli, who had just hit the bar, got the puck in the palace of Arvid Lundberg and snorted in 4–3.

- Nice to get two points with us even though we wanted to have three points tonight, says two-goal shooter (he also did 1-0) Wingerli to C More.

For Oskarshamn it was the seventh straight loss, and the sixth straight with the new coach Per-Erik Johnsson - who thus has to wait for his first victory with Oskarshamn.