Teller Report

Gyeongnam's First Corona 19 Confirmation Patients Occur… Attend Shinchonji Worship

2/21/2020, 1:42:56 PM

In South Gyeongsang Province, coronavirus infection-19 confirmed. According to the Gyeongnam Health Authority and Gyeongsang National University Hospital, one out of two people were informed yesterday that they were attended by the Shinchonji Daegu Church event where the super wave occurred.

In South Gyeongsang Province, coronavirus infection-19 (corona 19) confirmed person occurred.

According to the Gyeongnam Health Authority and Gyeongsang National University Hospital, one out of two people were informed yesterday (20th) that they were attended by the Shinchonji Daegu Church event where the super wave had occurred.

It is understood that one confirmer had worshiped on the same floor as patient 31.

The other one is known to be in contact with the doctor.

He sequestered the suspect and transferred it to Gyeongsang National Hospital, a nationally designated inpatient hospital.

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