Teller Report

A Real Madrid without hangover: exhibition in Istanbul

2/21/2020, 8:16:25 AM

The classification says that all victories are worth the same. Moods say there are some that are worth extra. That of Real Madrid at Fenerbahce's house is one of those. By

The classification says that all victories are worth the same. Moods say there are some that are worth extra. That of Real Madrid at Fenerbahce's house is one of those. By rival and by stage, but also by authority, by the casualties, which were many and of weight, and by whom they came to the rescue, it is one of the most important of the season. With a fantastic Jaycee Carroll in the lead, Pablo Laso's ran over one of the best teams in Europe. (65-94: Narration and statistics)

It is not that the Fenerbahce came on a roll, but in recent weeks it had been showing the most realistic face of a team with wicker wannabe to the king of Europe. With De Colo more integrated , Datome and Sloukas with a better tone than at the beginning of the year, with Vesely already recovered, he was more ogre than the one who fell on the first day at the WiZink Center. And yet, it was he who fell to lead against a Real Madrid where everything worked as Pablo Laso would have asked.

As he asked, in fact, because the Vitorian coach already warned in the previous one that Real Madrid will not sign to cover the loss of Randolph, with a breakdown in the finger that could have him almost two months stopped. "It has to be everyone's business, not that one supplants another," Laso said. And so it was on the first night I had to prove it. From Carroll, who after the bump that happened in January maintained the good everything of the Cup (20 points) to Usman Garuba , holder and outstanding to his 17 years in a field of which they give decorations.

As he did at the beginning of the year, when he covered Thompkins's absence, the Manchego left details of those who remember that under that privileged physique there is much incarnation. The obvious, like two plugs to Kalinic , and the most subtle. Like the game with Edy Tavares, who slaughtered a Fenerbahce too fragile under the hoop (16 points, 8 rebounds). Real Madrid scored 50 points in Turkish paint and took almost half (11) of the rebounds of the rival ring (23).

Thompkins (14) and Mickey (12), also harmful in the area, raised their shoulders to carry the weight of the score that will be missing without Randolph. Laprovittola responded, submerged in that ups and downs that is being his season (9 points, 7 assists) and Campazzo, MVP of the Cup, shined without needing to score a single basket (8 assists). In short, one of those round victories that deny a classification: not all are worth the same.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Real Madrid
  • Europe
  • Pablo Laso BiurrĂșn
  • sports

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