Teller Report

Wind turbines: "We can no longer, in the name of ecology, destroy the living environment"

2/20/2020, 7:08:25 PM

Is the wind turning for wind energy? Fabien Bouglé, author and opponent of wind turbines, is delighted on Europe 1 with & nbsp; the speech of the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, who criticized in the Senate the & quot; anarchic development & quot; wind power in France.

Is the wind turning for wind energy? Fabien Bouglé, author and opponent of wind turbines, is delighted on Europe 1 by the speech of the Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, who criticized in the Senate the "anarchic development" of wind power in France.


Tuesday, Elisabeth Borne, minister of the ecological and united transition, gave himself up to a severe load in the Senate, by answering a question against "the anarchic development" of the wind turbines. "There are park sites in co-visibility with monuments. I do not even understand how we were able to arrive at these situations," she said in particular. Fabien Bouglé, wind expert and author of Wind turbines: the dark side of ecological transition, published by Le Rocher, is delighted at the microphone of Europe 1 for this position.

"We can no longer, in the name of ecology, destroy the living environment of our fellow citizens"

"We can only rejoice, because it confirms the words of Emmanuel Macron", who said in Pau in January that "more and more people no longer want to see wind power near them." According to Fabien Bouglé, the minister "is applying the new Elysée doctrine on wind turbines, that is to say that wind turbines are a real problem. There is no consensus among the population and a great anger in our country as for its establishments ".

Elisabeth Borne intervened in the Senate as part of the defense of her multi-year energy plan, which nevertheless plans to increase the wind farm from 8,000 masts in 2018 to 14,500 in 2028. Yes but, recalls the author of the survey, "the multi-year energy plan is in consultation" and according to him, 95% of consultations say they are opposed to wind, which the government will necessarily take into account according to him.

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"It is always easier in Paris to want the installation of wind turbines in the countryside", he recalls, but in his eyes, "we can no longer, in the name of ecology, destroy the living environment of our fellow citizens ". He also said to himself "quite surprised to see the minister discover today what people have been going through for ten to fifteen years."

A subject that divides even environmentalists

The subject of wind power has divided for some time even the ecologists themselves: is it good or bad for the environment? According to Fabien Bouglé, no doubt. "The conclusions of the report of the parliamentary commission of inquiry on this subject are edifying: the wind turbines do not make it possible to lower greenhouse gas emissions because in France, 90% of our electricity is already de-carbonized (nuclear and hydraulic). So we would like to replace de-carbon electricity with de-carbon electricity only intermittently ", he argues.

According to him, they would also have consequences on health, through "the infrasound" which they emit and which would have "disastrous consequences on human health", affirms the author of a prosecution investigation against wind power. Finally, he ensures that we do not know how to take care of the end of life of wind turbines: "The concrete base is 1,500 tonnes of reinforced concrete which is never removed; the mast is possibly recyclable, but the blades are not recyclable and we bury them in huge landfills. "