Teller Report

Lee Bum-ho, acting as a leader, act 2 "I'll learn advanced baseball."

2/20/2020, 10:54:54 PM

KIA Lee Bum-ho, who retired from active duty last year, started his second act as a leader. I'm training in the minor league team in Philadelphia, USA, and Yoo Byung-min met. Lee Bum-Ho is training prospects at Philadelphia's Spring Camp and is directly involved in the major league development system.


KIA Lee Bum-ho, who retired from active duty last year, started his second act as a leader.

I'm training in the minor league team in Philadelphia, USA, and Yoo Byung-min met.


Lee Bum-Ho is training prospects at Philadelphia's Spring Camp and is directly involved in the major league development system.

The Philadelphia club with Korean players gave Lee Bum-ho a yearlong training opportunity.

[Lee, Bum-Ho / Philadelphia Minor Coach: Young people talk about (Kim) Hyun-soo. Older people also talk about (Park) Chan-ho. I think I'm benefiting because they went well.]

I've played baseball forever, but I feel like I'm in a completely different world.

[Lee, Bum-Ho / Philadelphia Minor Coach: Too Free System. It was a happy time because there weren't many people who had this opportunity. See Harper in a little while. I also see McKinchin.]

I am not good at English but have a good reputation for its unique affinity.

[Lee, Bum-Ho / Philadelphia Minor Coach: I have an interpreter, and I keep trying to write English. (Ryu) I brought the ○○ school that Hyunjin advertised.]

[Josh Bonnie Pay / Philadelphia General Manager: Lee Bum-ho knows about 18 years of experience in the KBO League. We are learning our system and how to teach.]

Lee Bum-ho has a big dream to bring back his KIA team with advanced baseball.

[Lee, Bum-Ho / Philadelphia Minor Coach: Clothes are red. When I go back, I really need to study what I can do for the Tigers and the KIA team.]

(Video Cover: Foreground Boat, Video Editing: Woo Ki Jung)