Teller Report

Another radial fracture, Son Heung-min, 21 days surgery… "Rehab may be long"

2/20/2020, 10:54:43 PM

Sohn Heung-min, who hastily returned after the injury, will be on the operating table tomorrow. Like three years ago, a bone called a radial bone directly connected to the hand was fractured, but this time it is called the upper part. I'm Lee Jung Chan.


Son Heung-min, who hastily returned home after the injury, will be on the operating table tomorrow (21st). Like three years ago, a bone called a radial bone directly connected to the hand was fractured, but this time it is called the upper part.

I'm Lee Jung Chan.


Son Heung-min injured his opponent's right arm after hitting the other player.

The painful part was the upper part of the surgical scar three years ago.

Sohn Heung-min, who returned home after the game and overhauled it, was found to have broken the radius directly connected to his hand.

[Nayoungmu / former soccer team chief physician: (the upper part of the radius) I have a lot of muscle so I feel much less pain.]

So Heung-min, who was injured in the fracture, couldn't feel much pain and put on the theater goal.

Some experts say that the pain is not great, but because it is close to the joint, rehabilitation is more demanding.

[Nayoungmu / Former soccer team doctor: The closer you are to the joint, the slower the recovery. Because there is a lot of movement.]

[Kim Won-Gul / Rehabilitation Specialist: There may be a struggle, and if the use of the hand is unnatural, the injury may be longer because the injury may be longer.]

Sohn made a comeback three years ago two months after surgery, but this season is not going to be easy.

(Video Editing: Park Chun Bae)