Teller Report

"Corona 19 Commences Communities" Cumulative Confirmation 82

2/20/2020, 1:37:17 PM

Corona19 Confirmation is on the rise. After confirming 20 people in one day yesterday, today's 31 new patients were added. Health officials say the infection process in Corona 19 is very severe and that it is at the beginning of community dissemination.


Corona19 Confirmation is on the rise. Twenty people were confirmed in one day yesterday (19 days), today with 31 new patients. Health officials say the infection process in Corona 19 is very severe and that it is at the beginning of community dissemination.

I'm Kwon Ae-ri.


The Centers for Disease Control says 31 more corona19 confirmed patients today.

Of these, 30 were confirmed in Daegu and Gyeongbuk.

After 20 people were confirmed yesterday, 31 people increased by 9 am today, and 51 people were confirmed in two days.

So far, there are 82 cumulative confirmations.

Kim Kang-rip, vice-chairman of the Central Accident and Welfare Division, said, "We recognize that the infection of Corona 19 is very serious. We believe it is beginning to spread as a community infection."

Of the 30 additional confirmed patients in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, 23 were found to be related to the occurrence of the Shinchonji Jesus Church, where the 31st patient attended.

Two were from Qingdao University Hospital in Qingdao, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and five are identifying paths of infection, health officials said.

One of the new students in Daegu included an art academy and a nursery school, and the art galleries in Manchon-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu, and the Hanalim daycare center in Dong-gu, Seoul, were closed.

As a result, the number of patients in Daegu and Gyeongbuk increased to 48, including 18 confirmed yesterday.

In Seoul, the number of confirmed patients increased by one today. I am a 75-year-old male living in Buam-dong, and have been receiving isolation treatment at Seoul Medical Center.

A person who visited an otolaryngologist in Jongno, Seoul, who was diagnosed last night, is known to have contacted the Seoul Seoul Children's Daycare Center in Changseong-dong, Jongno-dong.

However, the quarantine authority does not disclose the status of whether the contact is a parent, teacher, or aboriginal.

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