Teller Report

Selling out your holdings before publishing earnings information? Insider trading?

2/19/2020, 12:17:31 PM

Based on financial results information before the announcement of a Tokyo-based company that sells condominiums on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, there is suspicion that insider trading has been conducted ...

Sold out shares held before disclosure of earnings information Insider trading or February 19 at 17:33

The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission has determined that insider trading has been conducted based on the financial results of a company in Tokyo, which sells condominiums on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. An interview with the people concerned revealed that we had forcibly investigated the destination.

“Prospect” in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, which sells condominiums on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, announced a loss in the third quarter last February and announced a drop in stock prices.

According to the parties concerned, before this financial information is released, the executive officer at the time leaked to the main shareholder of Shinwa Kogyo, a photovoltaic power generation company in Osaka, a major shareholder, and the representative sold out the shares held You have suspected insider trading.

For this reason, the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Committee has forcibly investigated relevant parties, such as former executive officers and equipment companies, for alleged violations of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and is working to elucidate the actual situation.

"Prospect" said in June of last year that he had dismissed this executive officer on the suspicion of an information leak and commented that he "want to cooperate fully with the surveillance committee investigation and work to prevent recurrence and restore trust." .