Teller Report

The ministers of Podemos, again before the King who chairs the first Coalition Council

2/18/2020, 2:20:38 PM

Second appointment in less than 15 days of the ministers of United We can with the King. Felipe VI has chaired the meeting of the Council of Ministers at the Palacio de la Zarzuela. An appointment qu

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Second appointment in less than 15 days of the ministers of United We can with the King . Felipe VI has chaired the meeting of the Council of Ministers at the Palacio de la Zarzuela . An appointment that Moncloa defines as deliberative and in which the Government exposes to the Monarch its priorities and the main lines of its action. It is the second Council of Ministers chaired by Felipe VI, the first in democracy of a Coalition Executive.

The appointment has started at 9.30 in the morning. The King has greeted all the members of the Government in the Hall of Audiences and later they have gone to the gardens to celebrate a family photo. It was then that the meeting was held at the Audience Hall, where Felipe VI receives his visitors. The room has been equipped for the occasion with a table with 24 seats.

The meetings of the Council of Ministers under the presidency of the King are covered by Article 62 of the Spanish Constitution , which establishes the powers that correspond to the King. Among them, it includes that of "being informed of State affairs and presiding, for this purpose, the meetings of the Council of Ministers when deemed appropriate, at the request of the President of the Government."

The King prepares for the family photo with the coalition government ministers Juan Carlos HidalgoEFE

No action has been approved at the appointment. At its end, at the edge of 11.00, the members of the Executive have moved to Moncloa where the ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers has been held, where the Government will approve the creation of two new taxes, known as the Google rate -for technology companies- and Tobin tax -for banking entities-, as well as the repeal of the article of the labor reform of 2012 that allows the dismissal for accumulation of justified medical leave.

This is the third time that the ministers of United Podemos are in the presence of the King. They did it the day they promised their position and less than two weeks ago, in the solemn opening session of the Cortes, where they applauded the Monarch, in a lukewarm but yes protocol way, while some deputies of his party remained standing without applauding, consummating a situation of displacement.

The members of Unidos Podemos define themselves as Republicans and aspire to boost the values ​​of republicanism, but their entry into the Government, their minority party status in the Executive, forces them to fulfill their institutional role, although they recognize that it is difficult to digest for them, especially in regard to the Crown. "As a Republican, it is not the moment that has made me feel happier or more proud, but by responsibility it was the right thing," said Pablo Iglesias, second vice president, about his applause to the King in Congress . "It was a gesture of parliamentary courtesy." We made the right decision. Whatever we did they would criticize us. "

All government ministers pose with the King on Tuesday at the Palacio de la Zarzuela. Juan Carlos HidalgoEFE

The position of the members of Unidos Podemos before the King has supposed, and supposes, an intense debate in the formation that, for the moment, have resulted in the institutional staging of their ministers and the attitude of displacement on the part of the deputies. "You can have the same principles, but when you are in institutional policy, you see things from different perspectives. It is not so much about changing your mind as assuming the role you play," said Irene Montero, Minister of Equality a few days ago. . "It is a sign of institutional respect, of courtesy, even part of the values ​​of republicanism. If to carry out a law you have to applaud the King, we will do it without any doubt."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Philip VI
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • United We Can
  • Irene Montero
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • We can
  • Politics

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