Teller Report

Walla strike in Åre before the sprint: "Treat us like crap"

2/17/2020, 6:14:43 PM

Several whaling teams strike ahead of Tuesday's Ski Tour stage in Åre. The chaos is due to the fact that several smaller nations have been referred to walling in a garage without either windows or ventilation. - We have responded to their criticism and accepted it. We have improved it so that it is totally okay now, says competition manager Henrik Ilhamn to SVT Sport.

Tomorrow, Ski Tour 2020 continues with sprint in Åre. The big nations today have begun the task of preparing for the competition - but among several smaller whaling teams there is chaos, something that Aftonbladet was the first to report.

Nations such as Italy, the UK, Poland and the Czech Republic have gone on strike after being referred to skiing in a garage in an apartment building.

Czech Service Manager Martin Blaschke posted a clip on Instagram with the text "Is this where we should be skiing?".

- It's like a joke to those who are going to work. They treat them like crap, says Fabio Ghisafi, who works for Solomon, to Aftonbladet.

"This is the worst"

Fabio Gisafi believes that the poor premises pose health risks to the ramparts.

- It is dangerous for the ramparts to be here. I've seen similar places back in time, but this is the worst, he says to Aftonbladet.

Ilhamn, who is the director of the competitions in Åre, says that they have taken action.

- It turned out that a ventilation system did not work fully, so we ordered a temporary installation.

Any kind of fan?

- Yes exactly. I can understand the criticism, especially considering that the ventilation system actually did not work.

How could it be so?

- The problem is that we do not have an arena that is adapted for cross-country skiing and so we have to take it based on the conditions. It is quite expensive to arrange a competition for such a short time. We have made the best of the situation.

The Valla team remains in the garage and according to Ilhamn, the space per nation is greater there than in barracks where other nations hold houses.

REPORTAGE: Fredriksson meets the Swedish whaling team during the stages in Östersund:

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Meet the Swedish whaling team