Teller Report

Norwegian Head of Assistance Jan Egeland: "Europe must help the refugees"

2/16/2020, 8:26:42 PM

It is crazy that the refugee crisis in Syrian Idlib is not receiving much attention, says Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian aid organization Norwegian Refugee Aid. "It is the worst embezzlement of civilians in the worst war of our generation," he says in SVT's Agenda.

Jan Egeland wants to see greater diplomatic efforts for the hundreds of thousands of civilians who are in the firing line between the Assad regime and the last rebels in northern Syria.

But neighboring Turkey, which has already received 3.5 million refugees from Syria, has closed its borders. And in Europe, there is great resistance to increasing the refugee reception.

- We are heading for a bloodbath when the Assad government, Russia and Iran do not want a ceasefire. And the extremists in there are willing to fight in the last, says Jan Egeland.

Hear Jan Egeland about the crisis in Syria and the responsibilities of European countries in the clip above