Teller Report

Unicaja believes it and returns to a Cup final 11 years later

2/15/2020, 10:53:58 PM

Eleven years later, Unicaja returns to a final cup, the third of its history, to the ecstasy of Martin Carpena, who will try to blow his team this afternoon to the

  • 92-59 in the Carpena.Narration and statistics

Eleven years later, Unicaja returns to a final cup, the third of its history, to the ecstasy of Martin Carpena, who will try to blow his team this afternoon to the most difficult one. Not only knocking down a Real Madrid thrown, also ending the curse of the host, who has not lifted the Cup since 2002. Of course, the only precedent speaks in favor of Malaga, who in 2005 in Zaragoza raised the title, the only one of its showcases, before the whites.

There was no chink to emotion. Luis Casimiro's team did not hesitate, plugged in from the ball into the air, ready not to miss the opportunity, without a macula in defense. Able to impose its exterior electricity but also a mastery in the painting (annulled Musli, Diagné ...) that Andorra and its muscle were presupposed under hoops. The rebound was entirely green and Jaime Fernández flew before a MoraBanc who said goodbye with bitter taste of his first semifinal cup.

If there had not been a quarter-game without emotion, on Saturday he had some semis resolved very soon. At the break, Fernandez already accumulated 15 points, leader of a coral and enraged Unicaja, who ruled by 18 then.

Ejim, Adams and Waczynski

He tried to react the group of Ibon Navarro, who commanded by Clevin Hannah and a 4-10 partial, came close. A mirage, because the local response was even stronger: it had a maximum of 35 (88-53), never to fear for a triumph of those who do not forget.

The faltering Unicaja, who plays the Cup for his host status - he was not in the top eight at the end of the first league round - reserved his best game for the most opportune moment. «My great night», as I played, pure joy, the charanga. Ejim, Adams and Waczynski appeared in the second half to torture the Andorran people, always overflowing.

This afternoon in Malaga will be present the memory of that final of 2005 in Prince Felipe de Zaragoza in which Sergio Scariolo's Unicaja, with Jorge Garbajosa as MVP and decisive JR Bremer and Berni Rodríguez, won at Madrid (80-76) the only Cup in its history.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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