Teller Report

Torneklint believes that Duplanti's success can get more people to start athletics

2/15/2020, 6:15:16 PM

Armand Duplanti's career has reached new heights this past week. With two world records, the interest for the 20-year-old has skyrocketed, which the Confederate captain Karin Torneklint believes will benefit Swedish athletics. - It is incredibly important. He comes in and takes such a place and gives energy to everyone, she tells SVT Sport.

After stars like the sisters Kallur, Kajsa Bergqvist and Stefan Holm had success, Swedish athletics clubs saw an influx of young people who wanted to try athletics. And now Karin Torneklint believes there may be a new wave of children who want to become as big stars as Duplantis.

- It is incredibly important. He comes in and takes such a place, and gives an energy to everyone who is playing athletics. And even those who haven't started athletics who want to try jumping pole vault. He means a lot to recruiting and crowds around the world when he competes. So he means a lot to everyone, she tells SVT Sport.

But do not expect lots of new hop jump talents in ten years because of this, but rather talents in more branches than that.

- I think you might come to athletics and have a thought that I want to become a pole vaulter or something. But when you get there you get to test on more branches, it is part of the training when you are young. And then you will find your own branch there, says Torneklint.