Teller Report

The Stations of the Cross from Griveaux to Paris, emergencies in crisis, Balkany released

2/15/2020, 2:20:58 PM

Because between you and us, it is serious, here is our selection of articles which give to think

When the news makes your brain smile. - Canva / 20 Minutes

News is going fast, very fast. But what if we landed? What if you stayed? Because it's you, because it's us, because between you and us, you know, it's serious, here is our weekly selection of articles that give you food for thought.

1. The torture of Griveaux in Paris

Did Benjamin Griveaux imagine that by becoming the official candidate of LREM in Paris, it would be such suffering? No doubt not. The ordeal began, just after his appointment, with the leaking of his remarks against the other pretenders to the throne of the capital. "Dastards", "Son of p ...", his former rivals for the investiture of The Republic on the march have taken dear. Villani's dissent, mocked ideas (notably his "Central Park" to replace the Gare de l'Est), bad polls, nothing worked as it should. Griveaux ends up throwing in the towel following the broadcast of a sexual video allegedly staging it. And now ? And after ?

2. Emergencies still in crisis

The situation remains hopelessly blocked at the public hospital. On Friday, the caregivers took to the streets to demand the immediate opening of negotiations. Daily insults, exhausted staff, lack of means ... Hugo Huon, president of the Inter-Urgences collective, explains the reasons for the strike, which has lasted for almost a year.

3. Is the government too optimistic about the fall in unemployment?

Little oxygen tank for the government? According to INSEE, the unemployment rate fell by 0.4 points in the last quarter of 2019, to settle at 8.1% of the working population, and the executive is still betting on a target of 7% in 2022. The economic institutes are much more measured than the Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, especially since growth continues to pose a serious problem.

4. Are the “new” house arrest laws free?

France under a state of emergency, it's over. But the measures voted in October 2017, as part of the anti-terrorism law, draw a lot from it. Among these, a tool called "Micas", which allows in particular to limit the movements of people "posing a threat" to national security. If the government welcomes, many associations denounce abusive practices and a major risk for the protection of individual freedoms.

5. He's free, Patrick

Patrick Balkany will only have stayed in prison for a few months. The Paris Court of Appeal found, after a medical examination, that his state of health was "hardly compatible" with the detention. The former mayor of Levallois-Perret was released on Wednesday but remains under judicial supervision. Thursday, it is a radiant Isabelle Balkany who assured the show for her last city council in the fief of the ex-baron of the right. We tell you about the surreal atmosphere of this session right here.

6. When the sexual desert settles in couples

Friday was Valentine's Day. Many couples end up yielding to this romantic moment despite all the commercial aspect that surrounds it. For others, however, it is frankly not joy. What to do when, in a couple, there is no longer sexual intercourse and one or the other, or both, suffer from it? Caroline Kruse, couple therapist in Paris for thirty years, gives solutions.

7. On Brexit, we offer you an intox detox

Oh my God ! Brexit finally took place and gave rise to an intox fair. One of them particularly marked the spirits and Clémence will speak to you about it in this last issue of OMF Oh My Fake. It is about ambiguity, context and even nuclear testing. But we don't tell you more, we let you discover the episode.

And as this show is just breathtaking and colorful, we let you scan this snapcode in the Snapchat app to subscribe. Go!

  • Video
  • Society
  • Benjamin griveaux
  • Emergencies
  • Unemployment
  • antiterrorism
  • Patrick Balkany
  • Everything is explained