Teller Report

The stars change the scene show - just hours before broadcast

2/15/2020, 2:29:12 PM

With only hours left to broadcast the Melodifestivalen, several artists are now making last minute changes to their stage shows. Albin Johnsén has stripped almost all of the props - and Mohombi skips the whole idea of ​​ending the show with a powerful aerial scene. "That was not the desired effect," writes his press contact Anna von Friedrichs Grängsjö in a text message to SVT Nyheter.

When SVT News met Mohombi on Thursday, he promised magic during the Melodifestival competition in Luleå. Towards the end of the grant, the Mello veteran would suddenly lift off the floor and float freely.

Recorded several times

The scene was recorded during the rehearsals on Thursday. Then, through a small TV scam, it would be cut on Mohombi's contribution during Saturday night. But that was not the desired effect.

First the production tested to record the flight scene again during rehearsals on Friday. And during the general rehearsal on Friday night, the frequency really showed - but when the team saw the final result, they decided to skip the idea altogether.

"We decided to skip the flight after testing under the rope because it did not get the desired effect," writes his press contact Anna von Friedrichs Grängsjö in a text message to SVT News.

"Do it all the time"

At the same time, Albin Johnsén has redone his entire show. During the rehearsals on Thursday, he had furniture, statues and dancers swirling around the stage in the sheets. On Friday night's scene, all the props were gone except for a grand piano.

- We are creators. We do this all the time, Albin Johnsén tells SVT News.

But how will it be on Saturday night?

"We'll see then," he says.