Teller Report

The host will be chatting with the fiancé on the Mello stage tonight

2/15/2020, 6:30:11 PM

Lina Hedlund's hubby Nassim al Fakir has unexpectedly appeared in Luleå for the Melodifestivalen. He will have a small role just in the beginning of the program on Saturday night. "It's a home run," he tells SVT News.

Lina Hedlund is in focus during the Melodifestival competition in Luleå. She is one of the program directors who runs the middle act - a glittering show where she wanders among life's everyday chores. It complete with even a grave coffin and finally - a toilet.

- When the idea went from the first stage to a reality, I said that I want a final image with a toilet. When I flush it does not come water but glitter all over me, says Lina Hedlund.

"Will be in the audience"

But it is not only in the mad middle act that Hedlund is the focus. Even in the opening number, she has an unexpected role with her hubby Nassim al Fakir. The child star, who among other things makes the voice for Olof in the Frost films, came to Luleå on Saturday.

What will you do here?

- It's a home run. They make a live number which is about it being live. And I will be in the audience and do something different, he says.

He continues:

- Many people recognize this, he says, scrolling on his mobile.

"She's in a bubble"

What Fakir is secretly referring to is part of the opening number. There, Lina Hedlund will suddenly be cursed at someone in the audience sitting and playing with her mobile phone instead of watching them on stage.

During rehearsals, the cameras have filmed ignorant people in the audience when Hedlund gets angry. But during the live broadcast this evening, it will be her fiancé who will take the bounty.

But then you get to meet her anyway. Have you seen these weeks at all?

- Yes, she comes home shortly in the weeks. But she's in a bubble. She has been there since mid-January. But she must be. It is Melodifestival, says Nassim al Fakir.