Teller Report

Setién and Bordalás dodge at the Camp Nou

2/15/2020, 7:23:47 PM

Quique Setién and José Bordalás remain completely immersed in their particular cold war. The coach of Barça, of course, threw his colleague a new puyita related to the, in

  • Chronicle: Barcelona survives Getafe

Quique Setién and José Bordalás remain completely immersed in their particular cold war. The coach of Barça, of course, threw his colleague a new puyita related to, in his opinion, excessive hardness of Getafe. And the blue coach, meanwhile, reproached him for not making the gesture of approaching to shake his hand just before the ball began to roll on the grass. Of course, there was no protocol greeting between them. Almost, they didn't even look at each other during a game in which they both spent a lot of time standing in their respective technical areas.

«Normally, it is the local coach who, as a courtesy, always approaches to shake hands with the visitor. I always do it, but there is no controversy, ”the Getafe coach dropped into a lightning press conference, in which he threw another barrage at his intimate enemy. "Barça wanted to finish the game because they were delayed in all actions," he added.

«We lost the game in eight minutes of inspiration from the best player in the world, which is Messi . I think football has not been fair to us. The deployment and courage of this team has been brutal. We have lacked that quality that Barça and the greats do have, ”said a Bordalás who continues to resist with nails and teeth to lose Angel . Perhaps, with more zeal for the fact that his transfer can do Setién a favor. «I have spoken with my president and he tells me that there is nothing new or absolutely nothing. We hope he stays with us because he is a very important player, ”he settled.

“We have controlled quite well, I think we did 55 or 60 good minutes. In the second part there was a time when we tried to go out with a ball, it was necessary and we had to start over. That slowed us down a lot, ”Quique Setién complained in the first instance, whose team was beaten for the risks of the ball coming out, almost always leaning on Ter Stegen . «I think that everything is a bit of a nervous product, you see that there are difficulties to get out clearly, that the ball is closer to your goal than that of the rival and people get nervous, and me too, even. The risk is very high, but the benefit is too, ”he justified.

Alba's injury

«When they mark you man to man, as it has been most of the time, the goalkeeper is the one who has to manage the ball and find the spaces. Sometimes it is not easy with players as aggressive and as intense as those Getafe has. Marc does it very well and will continue to do it, ”he stressed to put the Bordalás football bet back in the spotlight. Something he complained to the fourth referee.

«I have complained that many times you have to risk to leave from behind, they make you a foul and you have to start over. That hurts quite a bit at the pace of the game. In the second part, it was continuous. They've made 29 fouls I think, we 12, and we've taken one more card. I have told him that they should have been more severe, ”insisted a Setién who tiptoed over Angel's possible signing. Almost, as if I didn't want to complicate it anymore.

Antoine Griezmann , who already has 13 goals this season with the one against Getafe, denied that he or his family are uncomfortable in the club or city. "I am very happy and my family too," he said in Movistar LaLiga. And even wanted to be pragmatic. "We have suffered, but sometimes it is good to suffer," he slipped. The most negative note of the match was the injury in the adductor of the right leg of Jordi Alba , which will force him to be out for an indefinite period and leave the first team with 15 chips.

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  • sports
  • First division
  • FC Barcelona
  • Getafe CF

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