Teller Report

Samuelsson: "Is two years younger than Hanna Öberg"

2/15/2020, 2:05:20 PM

Sebastian Samuelsson broke through with Hanna Öberg at the 2018 Olympics. But since then their journey has gone in different directions. - I'm actually two years younger, says Samuelsson to SVT Sport.

After the poaching in Pyeongchang, it was glittering about Swedish biathlon. Hanna Öberg won Olympic gold in the distance and on the big stage also Sebastian Samuelsson stepped in with a rattle silver in the hunt start. A third place in the World Cup last year also promised more.

But after another grueling season shooting, in which he also caught 1,000 extra shots each month during the summer, what has become best 15th place in the World Cup. At the same time, Öberg has lined up pallet seats.

- I'm actually two years younger than Hanna. The Olympics were absolutely fantastic and last season was also a step up. It was the Olympic class on many races. Now it has been more austere and statistically I have taken a step back rather than a step forward. But I think it's too early to evaluate, I'm only 22 and have many years left.

Have people had too high expectations of you after the Olympic Games?

- I think it is reasonable with high expectations. But I think you should have a balance in that. The ones that I competed in at the Junior World Championships only compete in the World Cup now and then, they think they are huge talents. They are, of course, but then you must not forget that I am too. I still have the age on my side.

The World Cup premiere in Antholz ended with a penalty round in the mixed relay. The video analysis shows that it was the standing shooter who was the culprit in the drama.

- I'm doing something standing up that I haven't seen myself do before. It goes way too fast and it's almost like I'm breathing and shooting at the same time. I was very absent in that series. I'll be more here and now in the sprint.

What are your goals?

- I'm chasing the perfect race. I want to get one where I am satisfied with both skiing and shooting. Then we can see how far it goes, but then I can snoop on a top 10 ranking.