Teller Report

Inquest into the death of Malcolm X to be reopened

2/15/2020, 4:17:59 PM

The documentary series “Who Killed Malcolm X? "Highlights the shortcomings of the investigation

Malcolm X was shot and killed in February 1965. - UPI-AFP ARCHIVES / AFP

The investigation into the assassination of Malcolm X will be reopened after Netflix's broadcast of a documentary series. Who Killed Malcolm X? , a series in 6 episodes of 43 minutes put online on February 7, contains new elements on the circumstances of the death of the anti-racist activist.

The Manhattan district office announced to the American channel CNN "that it will re-examine the case after new information has come out." This investigation will be carried out with the NGO Innocence Project, which is trying to innocate those wrongly convicted.

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Malcolm X was shot dead on February 21, 1965 during a rally in Harlem. He was then threatened, but had no police protection. Three men have been convicted, but the documentary questions their guilt.

The Netflix series follows in particular the historian and guide Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, who has been working for several decades on unanswered questions around the death of Malcolm X. He is notably convinced that the real assassins have never been caught. Who Killed Malcolm X? highlights the inconsistencies and shortcomings of the 1965 survey.

"What intrigued us was the idea that the likely killer of Malcolm X lived freely in Newark, and that many people knew he was involved, and that he was not the object of no investigation, prosecution, or interrogation, "co-director Rachel Dretzin told The New York Times . The series also suggests that four other people involved in the case are still free, and discusses several avenues, including an involvement of the FBI.

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