Teller Report

Chinese suicide in Saudi Arabia after suspected of having "Corona"

2/15/2020, 3:53:41 PM

The Saudi newspaper previously reported that a Chinese resident in his third decade had thrown himself from the third floor of a government hospital in Jeddah, and had died. The electronic newspaper said, “A Chinese resident in his third decade has thrown himself today from the third floor.

Saudi Arabia’s newspaper, Sabeek, today reported that a Chinese resident, in his third decade of life, threw himself from the third floor of a government hospital in Jeddah, and died.

The electronic newspaper said, "A Chinese resident in his third decade, who threw himself today from the third floor of a hospital in Jeddah, was killed."

The newspaper said, citing "Jeddah Health" that the Chinese resident arrived at the hospital "at dawn yesterday, Friday, and that a respiratory virus was suspected according to the symptoms appearing on him at the time of his admission to the hospital, and that he was treated according to medical norms, taking all the precautionary measures in force, and placing him in the private room Isolation until laboratory results appear, and this morning all medical samples taken with a correct result and no infection with the virus appeared.

And she continued: «The resident was placed in a completely closed isolation room, according to the health requirements of quality, but the resident removed the safety button for the window, and he threw himself at 12:24 am, and the death was recorded at 3:30 dawn on Saturday, and the official authorities have started The security is underway, and investigations are being completed. ”