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Rich in amazing nutrients to fight it .. 10 natural foods to avoid getting cancer

2/14/2020, 3:33:02 PM

Cancer is one of the most severe and indiscriminate diseases, although significant factors such as age, gender, and genes are involved, but it is possible to avoid some types of cancer or reduce the chances of it occurring, and it is estimated that up to 40% of cancers are completely preventable.

Cancer is one of the most severe and indiscriminate diseases, although large factors such as age, gender, and genes are involved, but it is possible to avoid some types of cancer or reduce the chances of it occurring, and it is estimated that up to 40% of cancers are completely preventable.

For example, smoking is the main factor for lung cancer, and according to UK Cancer Research (CRUK) obesity is the cause of at least 13 different types of tumor.

Even "myeloma", a type of leukemia, can occur due to eating many fatty foods over long periods.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, here are the top 10 foods that can reduce your risk of cancer:

1- Apples

Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C, both of which are beneficial to overall health, but when it comes to fighting cancer, it is believed that the main ingredient may be quercetin, a chemical that can reduce inflammation in the body and stop cell decomposition.

Apples contain other similar cancer-fighting substances, such as triterpenoids, which are mainly found in apple skin, and for this reason some experts believe it is better to eat whole fruit instead of peeling it.

A 2016 study in Italy found that eating at least one apple a day can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 25% and provides protection against intestinal, mouth and breast tumors.

2- Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in nutritional benefits. They are also rich in lycopene, which is an antioxidant that gives red tomatoes a distinctive color.

Many studies suggest that antioxidants can reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer.

3- Coffee

A 2019 study of about half a million people found that daily coffee could cut the risk of a common type of liver cancer by half.

A study by scientists at Queen's University Belfast showed that coffee lovers were 50% less likely to develop liver cancer.

Coffee beans also contain polyphenols, and phytochemicals that appear to prevent cancer cell division, such as chlorogenic acid.

4- Brown rice

It is one of many types of whole grains, and includes oatmeal, whole bread and corn.

Whole grains are known for their public health benefits, especially cardiovascular health, and may also have a protective effect when it comes to cancer.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the reason for this is that it contains polyphenols, which are plant compounds that reduce the risk of some tumors, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

And the plant material "Saponin" showed that it is able to destroy cancer cells during laboratory tests.

5- Grapes

Grapes are rich in resveratrol, a phytochemical that has been extensively studied for their anti-cancer effects, and is found at its highest levels in red or purple grape skins.

Tests show that resveratrol can prevent the process in which cancer cells begin to appear, and even in the case of cancer development, some studies suggest that the chemical may still be able to slow the growth of cancer cells.

6 - Legumes

Beans and peas are rich in fiber and folic acid, which is a type of vitamin B that the body needs to make DNA and other genetic materials.

Legumes are a rich source of saponin, chemicals that stop the growth of cancer cells, and a 2011 American study, which tracked 2,800 people, found that those who regularly ate foods such as lentils, peas, and beans were 40% less likely to develop some cancer.

7 - Cauliflower

Vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain a compound called glucosinolates, and some research suggests that this substance may have a protective effect against cancer, especially tumors (such as some types of breast cancer).

Other studies have found that sulforaphan, an anti-cancer component of broccoli, prevents breast cancer cells from growing.

8- Oily fish

The risk of bowel cancer can be reduced by more than half by eating oily fish regularly such as salmon, mackerel or anchovy, according to studies.

These fish are very rich in nutrients such as vitamin B, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.

One study looked at 68,000 volunteers and found that those who ate oily fish, or those who ate fish oil supplements at least four times a week, had a 63% lower risk of developing a bowel tumor compared to those who rarely ate or never ate fish.

9- Raspberry

Blueberries contain a wide range of health-promoting chemicals. They are rich in vitamins C and K, as well as a good source of magnesium and dietary fiber.

It is believed that berries are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods that prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Studies in the United States indicate that daily consumption of a few blueberries may reduce the risk of bowel cancer by up to 57%.

10- Garlic

The main factor in garlic that fights the appearance of cancer cells is the allicin compound that is released when crushed or chopped garlic.

Numerous studies have indicated that allicin can block tumor growth, although it is still unclear whether eating relatively small amounts on a regular basis is sufficient to provide significant protection against cancer.

The latest research conducted in China indicates that regular consumption of garlic can reduce the risk of bowel cancer by up to 79%.