Teller Report

Government revises copy on family and marital rights

2/14/2020, 6:48:51 PM

Government Keeps Promise Of Reform Beneficial To Women

The government has corrected several points in its pension reform - Thierry STEFANOPOULOS-POO / SIPA

Pension bonus automatically allocated to mothers, pro-rated survivor's pension for the ex-wives of a deceased pensioner… The government unveiled this Friday “developments” that it intends to bring to its pension reform in matters of family and marital rights so that "they can really benefit women".

"Various amendments will be presented in public session at the National Assembly, from next week," announced the Secretaries of State Sibeth N'Diaye (government spokesperson), Marlène Schiappa (Equality between women and men), Christelle Dubos (Solidarités) and Laurent Pietraszewski (Retraites).

Pension enhancement

The bill under consideration provides for a pension subsidy of 5% for each child, otherwise allocated to the mother, unless the parents decide to share it. Or even grant it to the father, which feminist organizations fear, insofar as men often earn a better living than women.

In response, the government is proposing "the compulsory allocation of half of the family rights to the mother on the grounds of maternity, with no possibility of sharing", announced Christelle Dubos, after a "working session" with majority deputies in the Ministry of Solidarity.

Minimum warranty

Thus, each birth will entitle the mother to an increase of 2.5%. The remaining 2.5%, granted for the education of the child, will remain shareable and allocated by default to the mother.

In addition, low-income women will be able to benefit from a “minimum guarantee of retirement points”, the increase of 2.5% per child not being less than a minimum package “defined by decree and granted subject to a minimum working time, ”said Ms. Dubos.

The surviving spouse put forward

Women who raise their children alone will get "extra points". And family rights, in the event of division, will be automatically reassigned to the mother in the event of her spouse's conviction for domestic violence.

With regard to conjugal rights, the principle of a survivor's pension, accessible from 55 years of age, and allowing the surviving spouse - one woman in nine out of ten cases - to "keep 70% of the couple's retirement rights", will be maintained, said Pietraszewski.

New pensions

New, divorced women will be able to receive "55% of the pension" of the deceased "who will be prorated to the duration of marriage, relative to the duration of contribution, and subject to means test", he announced , stressing that this device would replace "the order" provided for in the bill.

In the current system, the survivor's pension can be shared between the widow of the deceased husband and his ex-wife, in proportion to the years spent together. A provision that the government was considering removing for ex-wives, before referring this matter to an order and ordering a report on the matter.

Very specific diets

Released public Thursday, this report proposes various scenarios, among which the maintenance of the current system, and the opening of two rights of reversion (for the widow and the divorced person), option retained by the executive.

According to the report, the sum of the two pensions could exceed the amount of the retirement of the deceased, but “the current modesty of the staff puts the additional cost into perspective” of such a measure: the coexistence of a divorced person and a widow concerns 68,000 beneficiaries of the general scheme in 2018.


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  • Society
  • Sibeth Ndiaye
  • Government
  • Pension reform