Teller Report

British millionaire looking for a partner ... here are the terms

2/14/2020, 6:22:25 PM

British millionaire Andy Scott, 41, and with a fortune of $ 25 million, is looking for a partner and wife to start a family with, and be able to travel with him around the world.

British millionaire Andy Scott, 41, with a fortune of $ 25 million, is looking for a partner and wife to start a family with, and be able to travel with him around the world.

The British millionaire, founder and owner of the investment firm REL Capital, told FEMAIL he was ready to start a family after years devoted to building his career.

The previously married Scott owns luxury homes in London and southern France, a classic yacht and a Rolls-Royce car, and flies with his own plane, according to the British website "The Sun".

On the other hand, there is a set of conditions that Scott will not abandon in his life partner, including being able to support herself as equality in the marital status is very important.

And to be smart and distinct, and love to spend breaks in travel and adventure, and Scott considers it important to be self-made, she has formed herself, because he will not bear the expenses of everything from the principle of equality between them.

The millionaire is keen on his strength in training and sports, so it is considered important for his partner to maintain physical fitness as well.

Scott is looking for someone who is not addicted to mobile phone and social media, and to be willing to start a family and have children.

The millionaire separated from his ex-girlfriend in 2016 because she does not like to travel, but a friendship relationship still brings together the duo.