Teller Report

The usual Llull is too much for Bilbao

2/13/2020, 10:51:09 PM

It was enough to verify how Pablo Laso took the game, his nth fight for a title, as if it really was the first. From top to bottom in the band like a caged lion, steps c

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It was enough to verify how Pablo Laso took the game, his nth fight for a title, as if it really was the first. From top to bottom in the band like a caged lion, short steps, head to the ground, maximum permanent tension, nerves with the referees, the calm of psychologist to lower the pulsations of Anthony Randolph if he played. It is the self-demand of those who do not recreate themselves in the past or in the trophy cabinet, however overflowing it looks. This is what Real Madrid projects, already in the semifinals of the Cup after fulfilling the forecasts against RetaBet Bilbao, the night Sergio Llull regained his super powers. [93-83: Narration and statistics]

The whites were on notice, who jumped to Martin Carpena, looking askance at how Barcelona abandoned him with his head down and defeated, without asking for an appointment for Saturday. Removing the pressure of not finding a classic in the semifinals did not accelerate or calm their competitive cravings. The difference remains that Madrid knows what it is to win, a lesson that costs blood to learn and that requires ego sacrifices. Know the grounds. That is why he did not belittle Bilbao or pretend to knock him out of the first exchange. Nor did he deviate from the plan with the bold responses of those of Alex Mumbrú , who for some reason are the great surprise of the Endesa League, newly promoted and raising their voices to the established powers, without complexes.

Until the break Bilbao remained firm. It was not easy for Madrid to lose track of those in black, solid and concentrated, as if they had been in these lides all their lives. Rouselle and Boutelle , their partner of Gauls, scored with ease from the perimeter, while Llull began to take flight. A triple from Campazzo set the maximum (50-44), but Rouselle answered about the horn. The battle was very much alive and Laso had another precedent that alerted him, the league duel in Miribilla.

That is why Madrid returned from rest with one more march, especially in defense. Euroleague Rhythm With the knife between the teeth Campazzo and Deck, Tavares immense in the painting, again absolutely decisive (14 rebounds). It was like when a boxer breaks loose in the ring, seeing that his opponent loses his breath, taking advantage of the weakness of someone else's weakness. A demarrage too hard for the novel, to which the dream escaped between the fingers without being able to remedy it. He tried to react with a partial meritorious (4-15), with Kulboka squeezing, but then Llull emerged. And it is over.

The Balearic was resounding, which not only mutated its benefits, even its face looked like another in this Carpena in which five years ago he left his basket more unforgettable. With 12 consecutive points, he definitely waited the fire of Bilbao, meritorious to the same shore.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Real Madrid
  • Pablo Laso Biurrún
  • Sergio Llull
  • ACB League
  • basketball
  • Euroleague
  • sports

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