Teller Report

Seibu Imai two hits in the match against Kouhaku 1 Smooth adjustment

2/13/2020, 12:04:14 PM

Professional baseball pitcher Tatsuya Imai, in his fourth year at Seibu's camp, pitched twice in the match against Red and White to keep a single hit without a run and made a good adjustment ...

Seibu Imai Two hits in the match against Kouhaku 1 Smooth adjustment, February 13 21:00

Professional baseball pitcher Tatsuya Imai, in his fourth year at Seibu's camp, pitched twice in the match against Red and White to keep a single hit without a run and made good adjustments.

The Seibu camp held in Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture, was the first red and white match to be held on the 13th, and in the last season, he started the rotation, pitching 7 wins and 9 losses and pitched 4.32 with an ERA of 4.32. And threw two innings.

In the match against the leader of the league batter, Tomoya Mori, the fastest on the 13th was the 149 km straight, which was kept to the second liner.

For the second consecutive year, home run king Hotaka Yamakawa was driven by two balls, a straight and a change-up, with the intention of preceding the strike that was the subject of last season, and then hit the third ball on the fifth curve. Was.

Imai pitched twice to keep one strikeout and one hit without a run and made good adjustments to the starting rotation this season.

Imai said, "I'm glad that the pitch was more concentrated than I thought and it was thrown without worsening the count. I want to do my best to leave the result firmly and to be able to throw in the starting rotation from the start."